I've a Vbscript for merging excel sheet into a single workbook. I would like to know whether we could execute vbscript (.vbs) file in unix system. If yes, please help me with the procedures. Thanks in advance.
Not sure about Unices, but on GNU/Linux it is possible to run VBScript using Wine, but VBScript support is limited.
On Debian/Ubuntu you can install as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install wine
To run from command line:
$ wine cscript some-script.vbs
$ wine wscript some-script.vbs
For example I can run following script using Wine 1.7.19 from Ubuntu Wine PPA:
' test.vbs
'WScript.Echo "Echo test" ' doesn't work
'MsgBox "Message box!" ' look like doesn't work either
' Write to file - works
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("out.txt", True)
objFile.Write "Output to file test" & vbCrLf
$ wine cscript test.vbs
fixme:vbscript:VBScript_SetScriptState unimplemented SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED
fixme:scrrun:textstream_Close (0x13e208): stub
$ cat out.txt
Output to file test