/usr/share/zoneinfo epic fail

nullpointer picture nullpointer · Oct 31, 2009 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

I have just, in my groggy morning state, reversed & confused the arguments to ln, replacing /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Toronto with a link to the non-existant /etc/localtime, when I really wanted to link /etc/localtime to Toronto. Now I have no timezone file for where I live. Does anybody have a copy or know where I could get one? It's just instructions on how to translate unix time into toronto time, but I cat'd a few of the other files, and they don't seem like something I'm up to the task of writing by hand.

I know. At least I've never rm -r'd my /


Before anybody asks, I just tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, gleefully entered "America" then "Toronto", only to crash and read, cp: cannot stat '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Toronto': no such file or directory. ARGH.


Ken Bloom picture Ken Bloom · Dec 27, 2009

apt-get install --reinstall tzdata