Xcode 5.1 just released. I installed the latest version of Xcode 5.1 as well as Unity 4.3.4f1.
Before updating Xcode to version 5.1, Unity project builds without problem. In the mentioned version, the following errors appeared when I hit "Build and Run" in Unity3D:
In Unity:
UnityException: Launching iOS project via Xcode4 failed. Check editor log for details.
Well, I'm not using Xcode4. Xcode fails to load. Then I open the Xcode project manually. When I try to compile the Xcode project, the following compile errors occurs:
Dsymutil Error: error: invalid abbreviation code [114] for DIE at 0x00005e22 in
Dsymutil Error: Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/dsymutil emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
What do they mean? How can I resolve it?
Note: the App build is successful on device.
The device is iOS 6.1.4, iPhone 5.