I'm trying to create a little unit test with gdb, for a embedded mcu that is controlled by OpenOCD (that gives me control over my target via a gdb server).
So I would like to automate this with some scripting of gdb.
I would like to write some kind of script for gdb that more or less does this:
Any ideas?
A example on how to do this in python gdb scripting would be nice.
Thanks Johan
Let's say that we have this basic structure, that more or less goes into test_failed() or test_success() depending on what the function start_test() returns.
void test_failed() {
void test_success() {
int main(void) {
int status = start_test();
if( status > 0 ) {
To do this manually in gdb is very strait forward,
(gdb) break test_success
Breakpoint 1 at 0x20: file src/main.c, line 9.
(gdb) break test_failed
Breakpoint 2 at 0x18: file src/main.c, line 5.
(gdb) cont
Breakpoint 1, test_success () at src/main.c:9
9 while(1);
(gdb) frame
#0 test_success () at src/main.c:9
9 while(1);
So the next step I tried was to add those gdb commands into a gdb startup script that more or less just looked like this.
break test_success
break test_failed
target remote localhost:3333
and start it with
arm-none-eabi-gdb --batch --command=commands.gdb main.elf
And this kind of works, but it is not very nice. How do I do this with the "new and cool" python scripts, that gdb seem to support.
FYI recent gdb versions are scriptable in Python. You can call python code from the gdb command line. This opens a whole new world, check the relevant documentation. From the command line run:
dnf/yum/apt-get install gdb-doc
info gdb extending python
If you do not like the text-based info browser, here is one (among many?) alternative, graphical browser:
yelp 'info:gdb' # , go to "Extending"
Here is a sample gdb-python script. It attaches gdb to the first "your_program" found running.
import subprocess
import string
def backquotes(cmdwords):
output = subprocess.Popen(cmdwords, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
return output.strip()
pid = backquotes(['pgrep', 'your_program'])
gdb.execute("attach " + str(pid))