Given the following, how do I mock processMessage() using Spock, so that I can check that processBulkMessage() calls processMessage() n times, where n is the number of messages within a BulkMessage?
class BulkMessage {
List messages
class MyService {
def processBulkMessage(BulkMessage msg) {
msg.messages.each {subMsg->
def processMessage(Message message) {
You can use spies and partial mocks (requires Spock 0.7 or newer).
After creating a spy, you can listen in on the conversation between the caller and the real object underlying the spy:
def subscriber = Spy(SubscriberImpl, constructorArgs: ["Fred"])
subscriber.receive(_) >> "ok"
Sometimes, it is desirable to both execute some code and delegate to the real method:
subscriber.receive(_) >> { String message -> callRealMethod(); message.size() > 3 ? "ok" : "fail" }