Top "Unit-of-work" questions

One of the common design patterns in enterprise software development which allows one to maintain a list of objects affected by a business transaction and coordinates the writing out of changes and the resolution of concurrency problems.

Join multiple table using generic repository patten with Entity framework with unit of work

I am developing a web application using MVC4 with Entity framework 5. I have created generic repository for accessing database with …

entity-framework generics repository unit-of-work
IUnitOfWork how to use - best practice

I'm using EF4.3.1 in a .Net4.0 web forms (not MVC!) application. I tend to use the repository pattern with an …

entity-framework repository-pattern unit-of-work
Entity Framework + Repository + Unit of Work

I'm thinking about starting a new project using EF 4 and going through some articles, I found some articles about EF …

c# entity-framework design-patterns repository unit-of-work
Onion Architecture, Unit of Work and a generic Repository pattern

This is the first time I am implementing a more domain-driven design approach. I have decided to try the Onion …

c# .net repository-pattern unit-of-work onion-architecture
Avoid Unit of Work pattern in domain driven design

I have read this and it makes me think twice...: "Avoid unit of work pattern. Aggregate roots should define transaction …

domain-driven-design unit-of-work aggregateroot
Symfony2 / Doctrine2 throwing index error when flushing the entity manager

Three entities are involved here: Deployment, DeploymentStep, and DeploymentStatusLog. I'll start by pasting the relevant definitions of those classes src/…

symfony orm doctrine-orm unit-of-work
Repository pattern with Linq to SQL using IoC, Dependency Injection, Unit of Work

There seems to be lots of examples on implementing Repository pattern for Linq to SQL. Most of them featuring IRepository …

linq-to-sql dependency-injection inversion-of-control repository-pattern unit-of-work
Java/Python communication via message broker

What is a good solution for communication via message broker that supports both (C)Python and Java/JMS applications? My …

java python middleware unit-of-work messagebroker
Multiple DbContexts in N-Tier Application

I'm creating my first N-Tier MVC application and I've run into a road block with how to manage multiple DbContexts …

c# entity-framework-4.1 repository dbcontext unit-of-work
How to use Repository and Unit of Work Patterns with ADO.NET?

I am building ASP.NET MVC 5 application. I read about Repository and Unit of Work (UoW) Patterns here. These examples … design-patterns repository-pattern unit-of-work