Top "Unhandled-exception" questions

An unhandled exception is an Exception that is thrown by execution but is never caught by the program, which results in a Exception Stack.

exception with no stack trace - how?

We have a service which will log unhandled exceptions at the app domain level (via Log4net). We logged: 2014-01…

c# exception stack-trace unhandled-exception
C++ unhandled exception. 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xccccccd0

I have been trying to work through this for the past couple of hours by going through my call stack, …

c++ class unhandled-exception doubly-linked-list
Trying to close all opened forms in visual basic

I want it so when my button is clicked, I exit my application. I tried a simple for loop: Private …

.net winforms unhandled-exception
In ASP.NET MVC what is the best show unhandled exceptions in my view?

I have the following in my web.config: <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error"> <error statusCode="404" redirect="Error/…

c# unhandled-exception
Catch unhandled exceptions from async

When an async method that is awaited upon throws an exception, the exception is stored somewhere and throwing it is …

c# .net async-await unhandled-exception
TargetInvocationException occurred, but I have absolutely no idea why

I'm getting this unhandled exception error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll. Additional information: …

c# exception unhandled-exception targetinvocationexception
CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed and Validation of viewstate MAC failed

Monitoring my global exception logs this error seems to be impossible to remove no matter what I do, I thought …

c# unhandled-exception cryptographicexception
Why is UnhandledExceptionEventArgs.ExceptionObject an object and not an Exception?

Why is UnhandledExceptionEventArgs.ExceptionObject an object and not an Exception? I am attaching to AppDomain.UnhandledException. I would like to …

.net exception exception-handling unhandled-exception
Catch unhandled exceptions from any thread

Edit The answers to this question where helpful thanks I appreciate the help :) but I ended up using: http://code.…

c# .net wpf exception unhandled-exception
procdump not dumping on unhandled exception

I just started playing around with procdump and and I want to have a full dump of an application when …

.net unhandled-exception procdump