After all of the input files have been read and all symbol resolution is complete, the link-editor searches the internal symbol table for any symbol references that have not been bound to symbol definitions.
I was trying to compile the following simple thread example for the Boost library: #include <iostream> #include <…
c++ boost undefined-symbolI want to use the framework for future iOS projects. Hence I started testing out the framework. …
ios sharekit undefined-symbolI have been trying to get a project of mine to run but I have run into trouble. After much …
python shared-libraries undefined-symbol openraveI'm getting the following error and can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. $ gcc main.…
c linker-errors undefined-reference undefined-symbolI am trying to compile some stuff under mac os 10.7 in eclipse and the build dies on: Undefined symbols for …
c++ macos gcc g++ undefined-symbolI compiled the following code as a shared library using g++ -shared ...: class Foo { public: Foo() {} virtual ~Foo() = 0; virtual int …
c++ compilation linker-errors shared-libraries undefined-symbolOh, I am a newbie in GCC and MAC and Makefile. Today I intended to build a dynamic lib using …
macos gcc linker undefined-symbolI'm trying to learn how to use Eclipse for C++ development (using MinGW) and have run into an interesting problem. …
c++ eclipse namespaces undefined-symbolI'm trying to use any one of the libxml based 3rd party XML parsers, but I can't because I think …
ios gdata libxml2 undefined-symbol touchxmlI'm trying to compile a kernel module (which I wrote myself) on a raspberry pi. I am compiling it in …
c linux-kernel raspberry-pi undefined-symbol