Top "Uml" questions

Unified Modeling Language, an object-oriented modeling and specification language used in software engineering.

How to integrate UML diagrams into GitLab or GitHub

I want to publish some programming documentation I have in a public available repository. This documentation has formatted text, some …

git github uml markdown gitlab
UML Class Diagram and Generics

How do you indicate a generic class or interface in a Class Diagram? I'm looking for two things really: One …

java uml
What is the UML analogue to the Data Flow Diagram from Structured Analysis?

Back in the Dark Ages (mid-1980s), I used Data Flow Diagrams from Structured Analysis a fair amount, and found …

uml dataflow-diagram
How to represent calls within same class using UML-Sequence diagram

I am trying to create UML sequence diagram for a particular process in our application. The problem is that most …

uml sequence-diagram
When a system should be included as an actor in use case diagram?

I'm making a use case diagram for a new system. I'm wondering when a system should be included as an …

uml use-case
How do I represent a loop in an activity diagram?

I'd like to represent a loop in a UML activity diagram. Here's my situation: For each folder, I check each …

Is there a way to draw UML in Visio for Java?

I have Visio2007 and I really like it. However, it doesn't seem to have UML model/datatypes for Java. Is …

java uml visio
Visual Studio 2015 generate UML from code

Windows 10 64-bit Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Version:14.0.25431.01 Update 3 I have a almost finished project and now I need to write …

c# visual-studio-2015 uml class-diagram
is it recommended to make associations to enum classes in uml class diagram?

I am designing a class diagram and I got a doubt: I have a class which have several attributes refering …

class enums uml associations diagram
Difference between Sequence Diagram (SD) and a System Sequence Diagram (SSD)?

I'm working on a project for a grad class and still having trouble wrapping my head around them. What is …

uml modeling ooad