I have recently discovered that a new stable version of StarUML (StarUML 2) has been released after the project being abandoned for a long time.
WhiteStarUML is a fork from the original StarUML project that provides modern continuation of the project using up-to-date development tools and libraries.
What are the pros and cons of both tools?
I've used the both original StarUML(Unfortunately, it was abandoned so long time because it was developed as a commercial program first by a company in South Korea... but the company went bankrupt.) and StarUML2.0 I think WhiteStarUML is not very different from the original one.
StarUML2.0 is much better to see - anyway it is prettier. It's undeniable. :) and UI looks better. - But I felt it is a little bit uncomfortable when I draw some kind of diagrams... for me, especially sequence diagram. I guess it is because I'm familiar with the original StarUML.
What I want to say is, I think StarUML2.0 can be a little bit unfamiliar for users who have been using StarUML1 for long time. But If you want to show your diagram in your presentation, I recommend you to use StarUML2.0.
+) Now staruml 2.0 is charged. Personal license is $70. If you are a student, you need to pay only $49. The original starUML 5.0 is still for free.