Top "Uiviewanimationtransition" questions

Specifies a transition to apply to a `UIView` in an animation block.

dismissModalViewController with transition: left to right

I was using a nice method to dismiss my modal view controller: [self dismissModalViewControllerWithTransition:2]; which makes a slide transition from …

iphone animation uiviewanimationtransition catransition
iPhone Flip Animation using UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft in landscape mode

I am working on one iPhone application in which I implemented one animation UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft. Here my application works fine in …

iphone uiview core-animation uiviewanimation uiviewanimationtransition
Transition Delegate for UITabBarController animation

I have a custom UIViewControllerAnimationTransition class created already, and need to make this animate a UITabBarController when it switches tabs. …

ios swift transitions xcode6 uiviewanimationtransition
iOS custom transition animation

I have started learning of custom transition animation with using UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol. And mostly all videos I've found on youtube …

ios swift uiviewanimation uiviewanimationtransition
Container view disappearing on completeTransition:

I am using custom view controller transitions, UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning, to present and dismiss a view controller. The presenting animation works fine, …

ios objective-c uiview uiviewcontroller uiviewanimationtransition
Flip between two ViewControllers under the same NavigationController

I had referred to this question and several question about view / view controller transition but still couldn't find an satisfied …

ios swift uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller uiviewanimationtransition
How do I control the background color during the iPhone flip view animation transition?

I have some pretty standard flipping action going on: [UIView beginAnimations:@"swapScreens" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView:self.view …

iphone uiview uiviewanimation uiviewanimationtransition