Top "Uitableview" questions

UITableView is a class used for displaying and editing lists of information on iOS.

Deleting a Row from a UITableView in Swift 3?

I'm new to coding and learning swift, I am following a tutorial for swift 2 and working with swift 3 so there …

swift uitableview row
Pull to refresh UITableView without UITableViewController

I'm trying to implement a pull to refresh feature in a UITableView within a UIViewController. I can't use a UITableViewController …

ios objective-c iphone uitableview pull-to-refresh
UITableViewCell: rounded corners and shadow

I'm changing the width of a UITableViewCell so that the cell is smaller but the user can still scroll along …

swift uitableview
How do I populate two sections in a tableview with two different arrays using swift?

I have two arrays Data1 and Data2 and I want to populate the data within each of these (they contain …

arrays uitableview swift sections
Swipe-able Table View Cell in iOS 9

I want my table list to have a swipe-able menu like in iOS 8 (first introduced in iOS 7). I've found a …

swift uitableview custom-cell ios9 tableviewcell
UITableView + Add content offset at top

I need to add some blank space to the top of my UITableView that does not affect the size of …

ios uitableview cocoa-touch uikit contentoffset
UITableView background Image

I'am trying to setup a png image as my tableview's background. With the following code all are fine! But only …

iphone uitableview background background-color
UITableView disable swipe to delete, but still have delete in Edit mode?

I want something similar as the Alarm app, where you can't swipe delete the row, but you can still delete …

ios cocoa-touch uitableview uikit
Handling an empty UITableView. Print a friendly message

I have a UITableView that in some cases it is legal to be empty. So instead of showing the background …

iphone ios uitableview uiview
Xcode unable to dequeue a cell with identifier

my work is about `UITableView. Each time I run my project, this error appears : Terminating app due to uncaught exception …

ios xcode uitableview identifier