Top "Uistoryboard" questions

A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.

How to configure a UICollectionView Cell Size per Size Class?

I'm finding friction when trying to create responsive / adaptive UICollectionViewCells in the UIStoryboard. The issue I'm seeing is that you …

ios xcode uistoryboard
make image view full screen in view controller/page view controller (swift)

I am using UIPageViewController to show images full screen. Issue is the images are not showing full screen. Instead there …

ios swift uistoryboard uipageviewcontroller xcode-storyboard
Safe area layout guide doesn't working for UITableViewController in storyboard

Seems like UITableViewController does not have safe area layout guide to set table view top and bottom margin as collpes …

ios uitableview uistoryboard iphone-x safearealayoutguide
How do I set the title on the destination view controller during prepareForSegue:

I want to simply set the title on my destination view controller so that it shows in its navigation controller's …

ios uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue
Manual modal segue does not work, View Controller is not in the window hierarchy?

I've been searching the web and Stack Overflow for hours and I cannot resolve this issue. here's hoping you all …

ios ios5 ios6 uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue
How can I delete stack view from storyboard

I'm trying to make my UI design by stack view. Unfortunately, I'm unable, so now I want to delete stackview …

ios objective-c swift uistoryboard uistackview
UITableView "selection" triggered segue

I am using Storyboard and UITableView without UINavigationController. When tapping on any cell, it should bring user to a detail …

ios uitableview uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue
UIToolbar incorrect colour in iOS7

When I set the bottom UIToolbar to black on the view controller, it appears as a more greyish colour (the …

ios uistoryboard ios7 uitoolbar
Does storyboard eliminate the need for .nib

With the introduction of storyboard, I wouldn't select to create a .xib/.nib when I create a subclass of UIViewController, …

iphone xcode cocoa-touch uistoryboard
How to use dismiss an iPhone popover in an Adaptive Storyboard

I am new to iOS development, and am trying to learn storyboarding, Swift, and the new features of iOS 8 at …

ios8 uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue