Top "Uisegmentedcontrol" questions

UISegmentedControl is a class from UIKit in Apple iOS framework.

UISegmentedControl - altering height in Interface Builder

I'm creating a number of static custom UITableViewCells and have dragged a UISegmentedControl onto one of the custom cells. Whilst …

iphone objective-c interface-builder height uisegmentedcontrol
iphone ios7 segmented UISegmentedControl change only border color

Been looking around and trying to change just the border color (with a different text color) with no luck. Can …

ios uisegmentedcontrol
UISegmentedControl delegate/Touch Events

I have a UISegmentedControl that has six segments, I want them to call a method when the value changes, but …

iphone uibutton uilabel uisegmentedcontrol
iOS SegmentedControl equivalent in Android

What is a good Android analog of iOS's UISegmentedControl?

android uisegmentedcontrol
UISegmentedControl with square corners

I would like to modify UISegmentedControl with a subclass to remove the rounded corners. I can't seem to set the …

ios ios5 uisegmentedcontrol cornerradius
UISegmentedControl Best Practice

I'm trying to work out the "best" way to use a UISegmentedControl for an iPhone application. I've read a few …

iphone subview uisegmentedcontrol
UISegmentedControl custom background image

I have UINavigationBar setup as image - some wood texture. I want to insert UISegmentedControl with 4 buttons on that bar. …

objective-c cocoa-touch uisegmentedcontrol iphone
UISegmentedControl in the Navigation Bar with the Back button

I'm adding a UISegmentedControl to the Navigation bar programatically where the titleView should be. But as Apple docs have mentioned …

ios objective-c uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uisegmentedcontrol
UISegmentedControl change event not firing in iOS5

I have a UISegmentedControl whose "Value changed" event is wired up in Interface Builder to call my controller's -(IBAction)…

iphone ios ios5 uisegmentedcontrol
UISegmentedControl text with multiple lines?

How can I make the text in one of the buttons in my UISegmentedControl span multiple lines?

iphone xcode ios interface-builder uisegmentedcontrol