The UINavigationBar class implements a control for navigating hierarchical content in iOS.
So I'm wanting to add a "subtitle" under the title in the navigation bar in navigation controller. Mostly everything I …
swift uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar uinavigationitemI have tried this approach/hack: The problem is this leaves a faint seam. I …
iphone uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitemWhen I am navigating back & forth between parent and child controllers in a master - detail navigation controller, i …
objective-c uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar segueI have tried to add the UISegmentedControl to the bottom of UINavigationBar with title. But i cannot add it and …
ios uitableview uinavigationbar uisegmentedcontrolIs there a way to disable UINavigationBar Translucency for an entire application? I'm aware that using [self.navigationController.navigationBar setTranslucent:…
ios uinavigationbar ios7I want to change the color of back button of a navigation bar to make it look like this
ios cocoa-touch uinavigationbar back-buttonIs there any way to make the UINavigationBar, targeted for iOS 7, a solid color with no translucency? I have tried …
objective-c ios7 uinavigationbar transparencyI know how to change navigation bat tint colour in iOS 6: [UINavigationBar appearance].tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:129/255.0 green:200/255.0 blue:244/255.0 alpha:1.0]; I'm …
ios ios7 uinavigationbar uicolor appdelegateWith iOS 8 the concept of just iPhone and iPad sizes along with portrait and landscape have changed and therefor setting …
ios uinavigationbar ios8 background-imageBefore I've upgraded to Xcode 8 I haven't seen this error in such case. I have different Navigation Controllers. For all …
ios swift xcode uinavigationbar xcode8