Top "Uicontrol" questions

UIControl is the base class for control objects such as buttons and sliders.

How to add a custom UIControl class in storyboard?

I have a custom UIControl class that I want to use in my storyboard. I am having problems since there …

ios objective-c swift storyboard uicontrol
Can I use custom values of UIControlState for my own control?

Is there a way to set a custom states -- not one of the existing UIControlState values -- for a …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uicontrol
Matlab: Something like "relative" position with uicontrol/axis; keep fixed margins when resizing

I currently have a big headache to get a small GUI working nicely which isn't being created with GUI editor …

user-interface matlab resize figure uicontrol
Highlighting a UIControl subclass

basically I need an image button, specifically a custom object that: 1) calls a controller's action when tapped 2) encapsulates custom data 3) …

iphone uiimageview uibutton highlighting uicontrol
Prevent touch events on subviews of scrolling UIScrollView in iOS7

I have a UIControl inside a UIScrollView. In my UIControl's init, I rig up some touch event handlers, e.g. […

ios uiscrollview ios7 uicontrol