Top "Uicollectionview" questions

The UICollectionView class manages an ordered collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts.

How do you vertically align the UICollectionViewCells in a UICollectionView?

I have cells of varying height on a horizontally scrolling UICollectionView that appears to evenly distribute the cells vertically leaving …

ios uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout
How to filter UICollectionView and keep keyboard up?

I've added a UISearchBar to a UICollectionView and in the delegate searchBar:textDidChange: filter my model and call [collectionView reloadData]. …

ios keyboard uicollectionview uisearchbar reloaddata
Custom Header in UICollectionView with Interface Builder without Storyboard

I'm trying to add a custom view to the header section of my UICollectionView. I have the xib file interface …

iphone ios uicollectionview uicollectionreusableview
UICollectionView estimatedItemSize - last cell is not aligned

I want to make a usual horizontalScrolling flowLayout UICollectionView with estimatedItemSize and preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes in cell. But there is something wrong …

ios objective-c uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell
AutoSizing cells: cell width equal to the CollectionView

I'm using AutoSizing cells with Autolayout and UICollectionView. I can specify constraints in code on cell initialization: func configureCell() { snp.…

ios swift uicollectionview autolayout autosize
Is there a way to automatically scroll to the bottom of a UICollectionView

So I'm currently working on a project that has a button that adds cells to a UICollectionView and then needs …

ios6 uicollectionview nsindexpath
UICollectionView 3 column grid, 1px space?? (image included)

I have setup a UICollectionView with a FlowLayout that leaves no space in between cells in either the vertical or …

ios swift uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell
UICollectionViewFlowLayout vs subclassing UICollectionViewLayout

I know the documented advice is to use UICollectionViewFlowLayout if you are doing anything "like a grid or a line-based …

ios uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout
Defining UICollectionViewCell with nib

If I understand correctly, the content of a UICollectionViewCell should go inside its contentView property and the background into backgroundView. …

iphone ios interface-builder uicollectionview uicollectionviewcell
How to use the pageControl in Collectionview Inside the Tableview?

In my project I used a tableView inside a collectionView and also I used a pageControl. When I swipe the …

swift uitableview uicollectionview swift3 pagecontrol