Login credentials of Ubuntu Cloud server image

Sherwin Varghese picture Sherwin Varghese · Mar 19, 2015 · Viewed 57.1k times · Source

I am trying to build a cloud infrastructure using VM's

In the Openstack manuals, it is mentioned that the images in this link contain, Openstack pre-installed.

I downloaded the trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img file and I loaded it using KVM. I instantiated a Virtual Machine using this image but I am not able to login (using the console) or ssh into it.

I do not know the default username and password of that OS.

Also (a different question), I would like to build a Cloud using the 2 Virtual Machines, is it possible to use the same image?


rofrol picture rofrol · Jan 30, 2019

How about this:

$ virt-customize -a bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img --root-password password:coolpass