Open Redis port for remote connections

Maxim Yefremov picture Maxim Yefremov · Sep 30, 2013 · Viewed 119k times · Source

I can ping pong Redis on the server:

# redis-cli ping

But remotely, I got problems:

$ src/redis-cli -h REMOTE.IP ping
Could not connect to Redis at REMOTE.IP:6379: Connection refused

In config, I got the standard port:

# Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379.
# If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
port 6379

So maybe I should open port 6379 on the remote Ubuntu machine? How do I do it?


MildlySerious picture MildlySerious · Sep 30, 2013

Did you set the bind option to allow remote access on the redis server?

Before (file /etc/redis/redis.conf)




and run sudo service redis-server restart to restart the server. If that's not the problem, you might want to check any firewalls that might block the access.

Important: If you don't use a firewall (iptables, ufw..) to control who connects to the port in use, ANYONE can connect to this Redis instance. Without using Redis' AUTH that means anyone can access/change/delete your data. Be safe!