GStreamer x264enc not found

Dominik Schreiber picture Dominik Schreiber · Jun 28, 2013 · Viewed 17.9k times · Source

I installed GStreamer-0.10 and all modules (base, good, bad, ugly, ffmpeg) according to these instructions (browse through by clicking prev/next):

Everything seemed to have worked just fine but when I want to execute my pipeline I got this error:

glib.GError: no element "x264enc"

Apparently the module was not installed:

gst-inspect x264enc
No such element or plugin 'x264enc'

After that I installed the codec by executing:

sudo apt-get install x264

This did not work either. So I installed the latest build manually:

After a successful installation of x264 I ran ./configure on the gstreamer-0.10 ugly modules once again and found out about this:

configure: *** checking feature: x264 plug-in ***
configure: *** for plug-ins: x264 ***
checking for X264... no
configure: No package 'x264' found
configure: *** These plugins will not be built: x264
configure: creating ./config.status

A check if x264 is available seems to get fullfilled:

which x264

I'm using ubuntu server 12.04 LTS. Any ideas what I have to do to compile this module properly? Thanks!


ransh picture ransh · Apr 5, 2017

Try to install it using:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly


sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.1-plugins-ugly

It worked for me.