how to insert the language id in a typolink in typoscript

alex picture alex · Nov 4, 2013 · Viewed 7.1k times · Source

i want to add the language id in a typolink

so far

    LOGO = COA
    LOGO {
        10 = TEXT
        10 {
            value = logo
            typolink {
                parameter = 116
                additionalParams = &L={$config.sys_language_uid}

if L=4 it's working

but if i use L={$config.sys_language_uid} it gets ignored altogether

same with L=GP:L and L=GPvar:L

what would be the proper syntax here


alex picture alex · Nov 4, 2013

working if i do something like

                additionalParams = COA
                additionalParams {
                  10 = TEXT
         = GP : L
                  10.intval = 1
                  10.wrap = &L=|