Top "Typescript2.0" questions

Tag for questions specific to new features in TypeScript 2.x. For general TypeScript questions, the correct tag is TypeScript.

No provider for InjectionToken

Recently I started to learn to use the concept of firebase in combination with angular. As a start, I try …

angular firebase firebase-authentication typescript2.0 angular7
Using *ngFor for create a series of radio buttons for angular2 using materialize-css framework

Seasons greetings everyone! I have the following code that constructs a single radio-button based on the materialize-css framework http://materializecss.…

angular angular2-forms materialize typescript2.0
Is there an equivalent to "sealed" or "final" in TypeScript?

I'm trying to implement a method in a super class that should be available for use, but not changeable, in …

inheritance typescript final typescript2.0 sealed
Narrowing down error type in catch

For this piece of code try { throw new CustomError(); } catch (err) { console.log(err.aPropThatDoesNotExistInCustomError); } err is any and doesn't …

typescript typescript2.0
TypeScript custom declaration files for untyped npm modules

I am consuming a React component called shiitake from npm into my project where I use TypeScript. That library does …

reactjs typescript ecmascript-6 visual-studio-code typescript2.0
Typed Generic Key Value Interface in Typescript

I have the following example Object: let foo: Foo = { 'key1': { default: 'foo', fn: (val:string) => val }, 'key2': { …

typescript generics type-inference typescript2.0 typescript-generics
Can you declare a object literal type that allows unknown properties in typescript?

Essentially I want to ensure that an object argument contains all of the required properties, but can contain any other …

generics typescript typescript2.0 object-literal
Property is not assignable to string index in interface

I have the following interfaces: export interface Meta { counter: number; limit: number; offset: number; total: number; } export interface Api<…

typescript interface typescript2.0
Typescript, static method inheritance

I'm working with typescript and I have a problem with the static inheritance between classes Can anyone explain me the …

javascript typescript ecmascript-6 typescript2.0
How to use TypeScript with withRouter, connect, React.Component and custom properties?

I have a React Component that uses connect, withRouter and receives custom properties. I am trying to convert this to …

reactjs typescript react-router react-redux typescript2.0