Top "Typeface" questions

A typeface is the visual representation or interpretation of a set of characters; it is their appearance.

Android Studio logger TextView TypeFace style 0

In my project, I receive the following in a logcat message, for each TextView in all views of my app: …

android android-studio textview logcat typeface
How can i show Hindi text in Android Tablet

I am developing an application in Android Tablet. Now in my application, I want to show Hindi text for all …

android typeface hindi
Custom Font in Android renders differently in different APIs

I am using a custom .ttf font in my android app. I load it the usual way: myTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset( …

android api fonts rendering typeface
How to get the style attribute of a TextView

I am creating a Custom TextView class MTextView . Inside the constructor i want to know the value of style attrib …

android textview typeface