Top "Twitter" questions

Twitter is a microblogging service that lets users post short "Tweets" of up to 280 characters.

How can I get tweets older than a week (using tweepy or other python libraries)

I have been trying to figure this out but this is a really frustrating. I'm trying to get tweets with …

python twitter tweepy
URL for a link to Twitter for a specific tweet

I have some Javascript that uses Twitter API to get tweets. I parse the data and use jQuery to generate …

Can I fetch the tweet from Twitter if I know the tweet's id?

Can I fetch the tweet from Twitter if I know the tweet's id?

How do you include hashtags within Twitter share link text?

I'm writing a site with a custom tweet button that uses the function, however the problem …

twitter hyperlink share hashtag
Sharing URL to Facebook, Twitter and email in Android?

Is there anything similar to for Android? It allows to share URL's to social networking sites. Is there …

android facebook email twitter sharing
Get current user's info from Twitter API

I am building a Twitter app (with oAuth) and I cannot find any info on how I can get the …

Avoid Twitter API limitation with Tweepy

I saw in some question on Stack Exchange that the limitation can be a function of the number of requests …

python python-2.7 twitter tweepy
Android action bar like twitter sample

What is the best way to implement action bar like twitter sample UI Pattern. Twitter for Android: A closer look …

android user-interface twitter android-actionbar
spannable on android for textView

Tweet o = tweets.get(position); TextView tt = (TextView) v.findViewById(; //TextView bt = (TextView) v.findViewById(…

java android twitter spannable
Replies to a particular tweet, Twitter API

Is there a way in the Twitter API to get the replies to a particular tweet? Thanks
