Top "Twitter-fabric" questions

Twitter Fabric was a mobile SDK and platform which allows developers to build better apps.

Twitter Fabric fails to install in Android Studio due to missing dependencies

I'm setting up a Cordova project with Fabric to enable signing in with Twitter. I just installed Fabric plug-in into …

android twitter gradle twitter-fabric
/Fabric.framework/run: Permission denied

While running my App I am getting Path/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-hhrnpfyhpluwgwcdjsjkbeehwwqs/Build/Intermediates/…

ios objective-c ios9 twitter-fabric
Crashlytics iOS - log caught exception

I found a way to log custom caught exceptions in the Crashlytics Android SDK, but I can't find anything like …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch crashlytics twitter-fabric
Failed to get request token on Android M running Devices

Twitter login failed in Android 6.0 preview devices. Its working fine on all other devices. Below code is used to initialize …

twitter twitter-fabric
Crashlytics error: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64

After I updated Fabric Crashlytics in my app I cant anymore run it on my iOS device. On simulator it …

ios swift ios7 crashlytics twitter-fabric
React-Native ios App crashes without report

I'm building an iOS app using React Native and trying to get it testable on phones. If I plug my …

ios xcode react-native crashlytics twitter-fabric
How do I force a crash in Swift iOS app with Fabric SDK?

All I can find is Is there a quick way to force a crash? which says to: [[Crashlytics sharedInstance] crash]; …

ios swift crashlytics twitter-fabric
Unable to build Android app FabricGenerateResourcesDebug

I'm trying to integrate twitter's sdk with my app. I'm following this guide. Unfortunately, when I try to build my …

android crashlytics twitter-fabric
OpenURL for Facebook and Twitter in app delegate?

I am using Facebook SDK and Twitter SDK for login and signup. But they both are not opening URL from …

ios swift facebook twitter twitter-fabric
objc_msgSend [__NSArrayM dealloc] crash report sometimes from Crashlytics

I recently received this app after updating to Crashlytics 3.0 Not sure if it comes from my code or something else. …

ios objective-c crashlytics twitter-fabric