Top "Tuples" questions

In programming, tuples are simple *product types*, representing ordered collections of types.

How do I expand a tuple into variadic template function's arguments?

Consider the case of a templated function with variadic template arguments: template<typename Tret, typename... T> Tret func(…

c++ c++11 arguments tuples
Tuple pairs, finding minimum using python

I want to find the minimum of a list of tuples sorting by a given column. I have some data …

python tuples min
Difference between std::pair and std::tuple with only two members?

Is there a difference between an std::pair and an std::tuple with only two members? (Besides the obvious that …

c++ visual-studio-2010 tuples std-pair stdtuple
Python lambda does not accept tuple argument

I am running Eclipse SDK v3.6 with PyDev v2.6 plugin on two PC, with Linux and Windows. I would like …

python lambda tuples
How to set std::tuple element by index?

One can get an element from std::tuple by index using std::get. Analogically, how to set tuple's element by …

c++ templates indexing tuples
What is the syntax rule for having trailing commas in tuple definitions?

In the case of a single element tuple, the trailing comma is required. a = ('foo',) What about a tuple with …

python syntax tuples
Transform "list of tuples" into a flat list or a matrix

With Sqlite, a "select..from" command returns the results "output", which prints (in python): >>print output [(12.2817, 12.2817), (0, 0), (8.52, 8.52)] It seems …

python list tuples
What's the difference between System.ValueTuple and System.Tuple?

I decompiled some C# 7 libraries and saw ValueTuple generics being used. What are ValueTuples and why not Tuple instead? https://…

c# .net tuples c#-7.0
Convert RGB color to English color name, like 'green' with Python

I want to convert a color tuple to a color name, like 'yellow' or 'blue' >>> im = Image.…

python css image colors tuples
Scala: map a Map to list of tuples

I tried to use to convert a map into a List of Tuples. However this fails. I did …

list scala dictionary tuples seq