Top "Tunneling" questions

Tunneling is a technique that enables remote access users to connect to a variety of network resources through a public data network.

targeting dev sites with vhost setup using ngrok

I'm trying to tunnel a clients site in my sites directory with "ngrok http -host-header = 80", I get a 404 …

virtualhost tunneling ngrok
npm install -> tunneling socket could not be established

This error message has been answered quite a few times on Stack Overflow, but all the solutions didn't work for …

node.js proxy npm tunneling
UDP Hole Punching Java Example

I want to do UDP Hole Punching with two clients with the help of a server with a static IP. …

java sockets udp tunneling hole-punching
Cannot get ngrok to serve up my WordPress site

I have a simple wordpress install using Mamp Free Version on OS/X. Version 2.0.19/2.0.19 Web Interface h#tp#// Forwarding h#…

wordpress tunneling ngrok
create tunnel in order to access https via port 443

I have Windows machine that connected to Linux server And Linux server has connectivity to the IBM blade center management …

putty tunnel ssh-tunnel tunneling
Numeric variable/parameter in XSLT

I have this XSLT: <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:variable name="errorCount" select="count($orders/*[1]/cm:Error)" /> &…

variables xslt parameters tunneling
How to tunnel voip traffic in blocked networks

I have an Android VOIP application. As some networks block VOIP traffic I wold like to find some way to …

sip vpn tunneling
How can I set up SSH tunneling to access a webserver behind a firewall?

How would I access a webserver behind a firewall? I'm developing an application for this webserver which is not yet …

ssh webserver remote-debugging putty tunneling
mysqldump via SSH tunnel

I have a server setup as follows: webserver (gateway machine, accessible from the Internet via SSH) dbserver (database server, not …

ssh backup mysqldump tunneling
TUNTAP interface in C (Linux) : Can't capture UDP packets sent on the TUNTAP with sendto()

I am trying to write a tunneling program in C that will take UDP packets from a TUNTAP interface and …

c networking udp tunneling