I have the following code:
SELECT FirstName, LastName,
(SELECT ISNULL(COUNT(UP1.EmailAddress), 0) AS HasEmail
From dbo.UserProfiles AS UP1
WHERE (NOT (UP1.EmailAddress IS NULL)) AND (CreatedBy = dbo.UserProfiles.UserID)
GROUP BY CreatedBy) AS EmailEnteredCount FROM dbo.UserProfiles WHERE (IsStaff = 1)
Sample Results:
LastName EmailEnteredCount
bill NULL
Larson 51
Christie 30
parrish NULL
senac NULL
The code executes correctly with one exception, it is returning a null value when no records are found rather than the intended 0. I have also tried using coalesce to no avail.
UPDATE: This returns what I am trying to accomplish just need a cleaner solution. I really don't think I need to create a temp table just to replace a null value.
drop table #tt
select userid,firstname, lastname,
SELECT count(*) AS HasEmail
FROM dbo.UserProfiles AS UP1
WHERE (UP1.EmailAddress IS NOT NULL)AND (UP1.CreatedBy = UserProfiles.UserId) and (datecreated between @startdate and @enddate)
GROUP BY CreatedBy
) as EmailCount
into #tt
from dbo.UserProfiles where isstaff = 1
select userid,firstname, lastname, ISNULL(EmailCount,0) As EmailCount from #tt
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Chris
You need to move the isnull function outside the correlated subquery, like this:
SELECT FirstName,
SELECT COUNT(UP1.EmailAddress) AS HasEmail
From dbo.UserProfiles AS UP1
WHERE (NOT (UP1.EmailAddress IS NULL))
AND (CreatedBy = dbo.UserProfiles.UserID)
GROUP BY CreatedBy), 0) AS EmailEnteredCount
FROM dbo.UserProfiles
WHERE (IsStaff = 1)