I've got dirty data in a column with variable alpha length. I just want to strip out anything that is not 0-9.
I do not want to run a function or proc. I have a script that is similar that just grabs the numeric value after text, it looks like this:
Update TableName
set ColumntoUpdate=cast(replace(Columnofdirtydata,'Alpha #','') as int)
where Columnofdirtydata like 'Alpha #%'
And ColumntoUpdate is Null
I thought it would work pretty good until I found that some of the data fields I thought would just be in the format Alpha # 12345789 are not.
Examples of data that needs to be stripped
AB ABCDE # 123
ABCDE# 123
AB: ABC# 123
I just want the 123. It is true that all data fields do have the # prior to the number.
I tried substring and PatIndex, but I'm not quite getting the syntax correct or something. Anyone have any advice on the best way to address this?
See this blog post on extracting numbers from strings in SQL Server. Below is a sample using a string in your example:
SET @textval = 'AB ABCDE # 123'
SELECT LEFT(SUBSTRING(@textval, PATINDEX('%[0-9.-]%', @textval), 8000),
PATINDEX('%[^0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(@textval, PATINDEX('%[0-9.-]%', @textval), 8000) + 'X') -1)