My DBA has constructed me a stored procedure in a Sybase database, for which I don't have the definition. If I run it, it returns a resultset with a set of columns and values. I would like to SELECT further to reduce the rows in the result set. Is this possible?
From this question it seems like I could insert the results into a temporary table, but I'm not sure I've got permissions to do this.
Is there any way I can SELECT certain rows, or if not, can someone give me example code for simulating with a temporary table?
In Sybase ASE, we can use this hack to select from a stored procedure via a "proxy table":
sp_addserver loopback, null, @@servername
create existing table
sp_test12 (
Document_Name varchar(100),
Required_Status varchar(5),
Doc_ID varchar(10),
OrderBy int,
No_of_Copy_Retain int,
_p_EPEB_ID varchar(10) null,
_p_MY_NAME varchar(3) null,
_p_MY_NO varchar(10) null,
_p_EPEB_EDATE datetime null,
_TXN varchar(10) null,
_SUBTXN varchar(15) null,
_OwnType_ID1 varchar(5) null,
_OwnType_ID2 varchar(5) null,
_blnflag int null
external procedure
at 'loopback.MYDB.dbo.usp_xyz'
Doc_ID, No_of_Copy_Retain, _p_EPEB_ID, _p_EPEB_ID, _p_MY_NAME, _p_MY_NO
from #sp_test12
and _p_MY_NAME='107'
and _p_MY_NO='2011000045'
and _p_EPEB_EDATE='2011-01-15 15:03:03.0'
and _TXN='TX012'
and _SUBTXN='TX012.001'
and _OwnType_ID1='ASSN'
and _OwnType_ID2='ASSN'
and _blnflag=0