Top "Tsql" questions

T-SQL (Transact Structured Query Language) is the extension of SQL functionality supported by Sybase ASE and Microsoft SQL Server.

SET versus SELECT when assigning variables?

What are the differences between the SET and SELECT statements when assigning variables in T-SQL?

sql sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql sql-server-2008
Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

Is there a straightforward way of finding the index of the last occurrence of a string using SQL? I am …

sql-server string tsql search sql-server-2000

What is the difference between CROSS JOIN and INNER JOIN? CROSS JOIN: SELECT Movies.CustomerID, Movies.Movie, Customers.Age, Customers.…

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql cross-join
Return a value if no rows are found in Microsoft tSQL

Using a Microsoft version of SQL, here's my simple query. If I query a record that doesn't exist then I …

What represents a double in sql server?

I have a couple of properties in C# which are double and I want to store these in a table …

c# sql sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql
When to use Common Table Expression (CTE)

I have begun reading about Common Table Expression and cannot think of a use case where I would need to …

sql sql-server tsql common-table-expression
Count work days between two dates

How can I calculate the number of work days between two dates in SQL Server? Monday to Friday and it …

sql tsql date
SQL variable to hold list of integers

I'm trying to debug someone else's SQL reports and have placed the underlying reports query into a query windows of …

sql-server list tsql variables reporting-services
What does 'COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' do?

I have an SQL query to create the database in SQLServer as given below: create database yourdb on ( name = 'yourdb_…

sql-server database tsql collation
Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

We have an old SQL table that was used by SQL Server 2000 for close to 10 years. In it, our employee …

sql sql-server tsql string-formatting