Top "Travis-ci" questions

For questions about the hosted continuous integration service.

How can I get firebase deploy --email or --token parameters to work?

I'm having trouble deploying travis CI with firebase using these firebase commands: firebase deploy --email ${FIREBASE_USERNAME} --password ${FIREBASE_PASSWORD} …

firebase travis-ci firebase-hosting
Suppressing GPG signing for Maven-based continuous integration builds (Travis CI)

I'm using Travis-CI to provide continuous integration builds for a few Java open source projects I'm working on. Normally this …

java maven continuous-integration gnupg travis-ci
Run grunt build command on Travis CI

I am using Travis CI to test and build my project and as part of it I want travis to …

node.js gruntjs travis-ci
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main resolved in /app/node_modules/@babel/helper-compilation-targets/package.json

I'm having trouble building my nuxt images in a travis CI pipeline. My local environment is ubuntu 18.04 - docker version 19.03.11 …

node.js docker travis-ci nuxt.js
Running script conditionally does not work in travis.yml, why?

The following causes travis to not build at all. When I try to validate the travis.yml file, it complains …

bash yaml travis-ci
What are the differences between the {before_,}{install,script} .travis.yml options?

Inside the .travis.yml configuration file what is the practical difference between before_install, install, before_script and script options? …

How to read test result reports on Travis CI?

For my builds on Travis, I want to be able to read the test results when there are failing tests …

gradle travis-ci
Rails database setup on Travis-CI

I'm trying to use Travis Continuous Integration on a Rails project. The documentation says that the test db must be …

ruby-on-rails travis-ci
Travis and matrix combinations

I want to test different builds of my .js framework against many browsers I expected to write something like: language: …

Is it possible to set up travis to run tests for several languages?

I have a rails project and am running tests for my JavaScript test (Jasmine) through Karma .travis.yml file language: …

ruby-on-rails travis-ci karma-runner