Top "Tortoisegit" questions

TortoiseGit is an open-source Windows-based application that allows the Git distributed revision control system to be used directly from Windows Explorer (using context menus).

Does TortoiseGit actually make Git a lot easier to use like TortoiseSVN?

With the easy experience of TortoiseSVN, I looked at some command line of SVN and it wasn't as easy to …

git tortoisegit
Does TortoiseGit allow selective staging, like git-gui?

This question: Can you interact with the index/staging area with TortoiseGit? takes the position that TortoiseGit's main function is …

git tortoisegit git-gui
Push tag without push commit to remote repository with TortoiseGit

A console git client has a git push origin <tag_name> command for pushing a tag without commit …

git tortoisegit git-tag
TortoiseGit Error - Could not get all refs. libgit2 returned: corrupted loose reference file

I just got an error after a recent commit using Tortoise Git: "Could not get all refs. libgit2 returned: corrupted …

windows git tortoisegit
Deleted remote branches still listed in TortoiseGit

I have noticed TortoiseGit seems to contain every feature branch I ever created, both in drop-downs for local branches AND …

git tortoisegit
Git push fails with "fatal: early EOF" when PUSHing but only on one file

When I try adding textures and text files to my repo it all works, but when I try adding a .…

git msysgit tortoisegit
How to take updates from Master into Branch in TortoiseGit

I have created a branch in Git repository 10 days before and worked on some changes in the created branch. Now …

git branch tortoisegit master
Solution to adding a Git (TortoiseGit) toolbar to Visual Studio

Anyone know how to create a toolbar in Visual Studio 2010 to use with Git (TortoiseGit)? Thanks SurfRat

visual-studio-2010 version-control tortoisegit
TortoiseGit, TortoiseBzr, TortoiseHg. Are any solid enough to switch from TortoiseSVN?

I'd like to try out a distributed revision control system. I use a couple Windows PCs, a couple PCs with …

tortoisesvn tortoisehg tortoisegit tortoisebzr