Speed up Weblogic Server startup times

levand picture levand · Feb 10, 2009 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

At my work, we use Weblogic Server to host an enterprise portal. Which is fine.

However, I've recently had the opportunity to use Tomcat for some side projects, and I am struck by the incredible difference in speed. Tomcat takes 3-5 seconds to start up, and 10-15 seconds to deploy a medium-sized projects. Wewblogic takes 3-5 minutes to start, and up to 10 minutes to deploy. This kills any iterative development.

Am I going to have to resign myself to its being slow and bloated, or is there anything I can do to speed it up? Anyone have experience with this?


krosenvold picture krosenvold · Feb 10, 2009

You will not be able to turn the frog into a princess. I would wonder slightly about those startup times for weblogic - they seem a bit excessive, you're not running on linux by any chance ?

If you're running nested archives (wars within ears etc) and also directory-scanning technologies (hibernate, spring etc), you may try unpacking it all to the corresponding exploded structure before deploying; it has been known to help a bit.

Tomcat contains a very small subset of the features weblogic has. We develop on jetty but deploy on weblogic for acceptance/production environments and this works fairly well. You can do the same with tomcat.

Tomcat is a fairly strict container whilst weblogic is lenient, so you'll normally have only minor troubles deploying to weblogic, especially as long as you continuously do both.

You can also use a tool like javarebel to do really nifty hot-deployment and avoid all those restarts.