Top "Togglebutton" questions

A GUI control used for selecting 1 of 2 states.

how to allow only 1 android toggle button out of 3 to be on at once

i am using 3 toggle buttons. In my android application i would like that only 1 of these toggle buttons can be …

java android togglebutton
toggle UIButton-state when pressing, like a switch

-(void)setState:(id)sender { UIButton* button = (UIButton*)sender; BOOL buttonBool = ([button state]==selected : YES ? NO); [sender setSelected:buttonBool++]; } this …

iphone objective-c uibutton togglebutton
Bootstrap toggle buttons inside popover content not working

I have made a jsFiddle where i use twitter bootstrap toggle buttons & popover. HTML: <div class="btn-group btn-toggle"&…

jquery twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 popover togglebutton
ion-toggle : Reduce size of toggle button

Is there any way to reduce the size of ion-toggle button. The picture depicts my problem.

ionic-framework togglebutton
How do I set the color of a toggle button in wxpython?

I have a collection of button that I've created and need to change the color of the button when it's …

button colors wxpython togglebutton
Centering ToggleButton Image - With No Text

Here is my ToggleButton: <ToggleButton android:id="@+id/bSmenuTopItems" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="48dp" android:…

android button togglebutton
ToggleButton Text Label Placement for On and Off State

Is there anyway to control the text position for a ToggleButton's on and off state? For instance, I want the …

android android-layout togglebutton
OneWay binding for ToggleButton's IsChecked property in WPF

I have a ToggleButton with its IsChecked property bound to a property using a OneWay binding. <ToggleButton Command="{Binding …

wpf data-binding togglebutton
Android Toggle Button / Segmented Button

Possible Duplicate: How can I create a toggle button similar to the Twitter apps location toggle button? I am looking …

android togglebutton
How to change the text color of an Android ToogleButton on state change?

my toggle-Button has different colored backgrounds for each state(red and white). Now I need to change the color of …

android text colors togglebutton