This problem nearly makes me craze. I am a new beginner and without knowledge of tck/tk. I have done carefully search on the internet but haven't found a good solution.
For example, I created a label frame using
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
newBT = ttk.LabelFrame(width=100, height=100)
Then I need to set the frame style. There is foreground for tk.LabelFrame. However, I didn't find such style option for ttk.LabelFrame on NMT and tck/tk reference. Then I have to guess, like following
s = ttk.Style()
s.configure('TLabelframe', foreground='red')
But this doesn't work, the right thing is
s.configure('TLabelframe.Label', foreground='red')
So, my question is, how can I find out all the style options a ttk widget has. Is there some function like
and then the output is something like
['background', 'foreground', 'padding', 'border', ...]
I found your question interesting as I had asked myself the same question but have not found time to address it until now. I have written a function called stylename_elements_options(stylename)
to do just this. Sharing it here. Hope it can benefit you (although it is 6 months late) and any tkinter users asking the same question.
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
def stylename_elements_options(stylename):
'''Function to expose the options of every element associated to a widget
# Get widget elements
style = ttk.Style()
layout = str(style.layout(stylename))
print('Stylename = {}'.format(stylename))
print('Layout = {}'.format(layout))
for n, x in enumerate(layout):
if x=='(':
for y in layout[n+2:]:
if y != ',':
print('\nElement(s) = {}\n'.format(elements))
# Get options of widget elements
for element in elements:
print('{0:30} options: {1}'.format(
element, style.element_options(element)))
except tk.TclError:
print('_tkinter.TclError: "{0}" in function'
'widget_elements_options({0}) is not a regonised stylename.'