Top "Tinymce" questions

TinyMCE is an open source WYSIWYG HTML editor that provides a modern rich text editing experience for web applications.

Change border colors of TinyMCE on focus and blur

I'm using jQuery with TinyMCE. I am trying to get the border colors to change when the TinyMCE editor is …

javascript jquery tinymce focus onblur
TinyMCE Removes site base url

im using TinyMCE Wysiwyg editor, and when i enter a link, or an image from the same website, it removes …

Underline format problem

According to the documentation i would like to overwrite predefined formats using this settings: formats: { bold : {inline : 'b' }, italic : {inline : …

html editor format tinymce rte
TinyMCE instances in jquery sortable

I'm stumped and frustrated so time to ask for help. Done a lot of googling but yet to find a …

jquery tinymce sortables
TinyMCE 4 add drop down menu to menu bar

I need to add another drop down menu next to "Tools" item in TinyMCE 4: The closest solution I found was …

javascript jquery tinymce tinymce-4
Django-tinymce full featured in admin

I set up django-tinymce to work with admin just like the docs described in settings INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'tinymce',] in models …

python django django-admin tinymce django-tinymce
How best to sanitize fields in ruby on rails

I currently have a controller capturing some html from TinyMCE on the front end. If I tinker with firebug it …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 activerecord tinymce sanitization
MVC4 bundling with TinyMCE

I have an problem using MVC4 Bundling together with TinyMCE. I get this error: GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//langs/… tinymce bundle
Allow custom HTML attributes in TinyMCE in EPiServer

EPiServer only: Our clients are trying to add custom attributes to a div-tag in the TinyMCE editor - they switch … tinymce episerver
Form with tinyMCE textarea having html5 required attribute cannot submit

This is not a question, but an answer which I want to share with you. I've just spent over four …

html tinymce required