Alternative timestamping services for Authenticode

Stephen Connolly picture Stephen Connolly · May 20, 2010 · Viewed 68.3k times · Source

We perform code signing and timestamping for all our production builds. Occasionally (usually when we are about to RTM (!)) the timestamp server at Verisign ("") decides to go offline intermittently.

What should we do in this case?

  • Does the timestamp server have to be hosted by your root certification authority?
  • Are there any other network-hosted timestamp servers we could use instead of Verisign if their server is down? Suggestions for other highly available and free alternatives are welcome :)


flobadob picture flobadob · Aug 28, 2012

I use the following batch file which loops a max of 300 times. There are two arguments, %1 is the path to a folder containing the batch file, pfx file and signtool.exe. %2 is the full path to the file being signed. You can call this in your visual studio post build event with something like call "$(SolutionDir)thirdparty\signing\sign.bat" "$(SolutionDir)thirdparty\signing" "$(TargetPath)" I have modified this batch file to use different timestamp servers in each iteration. Currently it uses Comodo, Verisign, GlobalSign and Starfield. Hopefully this is The Ultimate Signing Script ;)

@echo off    

REM create an array of timestamp servers...

REM sign the file...
%1\signtool.exe sign /f %1\comodo.pfx /p videodigital %2

set timestampErrors=0

for /L %%a in (1,1,300) do (

    for %%s in %SERVERLIST% do (

        REM try to timestamp the file. This operation is unreliable and may need to be repeated...
        %1\signtool.exe timestamp /t %%s %2

        REM check the return value of the timestamping operation and retry a max of ten times...
        if ERRORLEVEL 0 if not ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO succeeded

        echo Signing failed. Probably cannot find the timestamp server at %%s
        set /a timestampErrors+=1

    REM wait 2 seconds...
    choice /N /T:2 /D:Y >NUL

REM return an error code...
echo sign.bat exit code is 1. There were %timestampErrors% timestamping errors.
exit /b 1

REM return a successful code...
echo sign.bat exit code is 0. There were %timestampErrors% timestamping errors.
exit /b 0

I also put into the trusted sites (thanks Vince). I think that may be an important step. I updated the root certificates on the PC too.