Top "Timepicker" questions

A view for selecting the time of day, in either 24 hour or AM/PM mode.

Xamarin Forms timepicker 24hour

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and i can't seems to find how to show the dialog in a 24hour format …

xamarin xamarin.forms timepicker
TimePicker Dialog when pressing EditText

This question has been asked before, but the answers from back then, doesn't seem to work in Android Studio anymore, …

android android-studio android-edittext timepicker
Remove 'Now' button from jsfile of timepicker jquery plugin

Does anyone know how to remove the "Now" button from the jquery timepicker add on file? I removed the var …

jquery datepicker jquery-ui-datepicker timepicker
How to read TimePicker chosen values?

I followed this guide: im not quite sure what goes …

android timepicker
Android TimePicker AM/PM button not invoking onTimeChanged

I'm having some issues implementing a TimePicker in my application that allows the user to change the time of a …

android timepicker
Loading timePickerDialog from a fragment

I am trying to use a custom time picker and then run the picker from a fragment. This is the …

android datetimepicker timepicker layout-inflater findviewbyid
Timepicker jquery not working (has no method curCSS)

My head is aching for already a day because of this error. The jQuery object is actually just the init …

jquery codeigniter timepicker
Show the time picker in hh:mm format

I have to show the time picker in hh:mm format on Click the edit text.So that I had …

android date timepicker
How to get Date and Time Picker values from textbox?

I am using date and time picker that not used for getting current date and time instead that is to …

javascript jquery html jquery-ui-datepicker timepicker
Change color of TimePicker (RadialTimePickerView)?

How do I change the number/picker-color of the TimePicker/RadialTimePickerView? I can see, that the RadialTimePickerView sets its color …

java android colors timepicker