Looking for good FILETIME converter

geoffc picture geoffc · Apr 6, 2009 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

In question Looking for Good CTIME/Unixtime converter I asked for a good web based CTIME (Seconds since Jan 1, 1970) time converter. (Usually a 32 bit signed integer).

I needed a tool where I could enter a date, and get the CTIME equivalent. I was able to find one, once I realized that Unixtime is the other name for the format. Google was my friend once I got there.

Now how about a FILETIME converter, which is more commonly used as 64 bit signed integer, representing 100 nanosecond units since Jan 1, 1601. (What Active Directory uses internally for time storage).

Probably there is some better keyword to search on that would find it for me. I have a tool that will show me the current time in FILETIME, and I can do the math elsewhere by hand, but not quite what I am looking from ease of use approach.

I have a function that can use it in code, but not a wrapper to make easily usable in a fast format. Java's time formatter supports it, but I again am looking for a nicely wrapped version of that.


Shay Erlichmen picture Shay Erlichmen · Apr 6, 2009

This tool will convert all time types online.