Top "Time-format" questions

Time formats are specifications used for unambiguous representation of dates and times.

Show TimePicker with 12 or 24 hour format in android

I have a problem with my TimePickerDialog. first detect if the user's device has the time in 12 or 24 hour format: … …

android dialog android-timepicker time-format
Converting varchar(6) in HHmmss format to sql time format

How is it possible to convert something stored in DB as varchar(6) (e.g., 180000 which is actually in a format …

sql sql-server-2012 time-format
Is it possible to change the iOS Simulator to use 24 hour time?

I'm trying to debug a potential issue in the iOS Simulator (v 7.0) which requires the iPad to be running in 24…

ios time ios-simulator date-formatting time-format
Format times to display with 'AM/PM'

Normally, when I enter times in Google spreadsheet as 22:00:00 the display automatically switches to 10:00 PMbut sometimes it's not converting. How …

google-sheets google-docs time-format
Displaying seconds in 3 decimal places. - java

I am using milliseconds in my java program and converting it to seconds. After my method does this, it returns …

java milliseconds seconds time-format system.out
How to check if time format is correct in Java (with Exception)

I'm working on a program that converts 24 hour time stamps into 12 hour time stamps. I managed to complete the conversion …

java time time-format
Get Real Time - Not Device Set Time in android

How to find out the Real Geographical Time, as in my application I want to attach the real time with …

android datetime real-time time-format
SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance ignores 24-hour format

In my app I have an option to pause execution for a certain amount of time. I want to show …

java android time time-format