Top "Tiling" questions

Use this tag for questions about tessellations as well as figuratively the optimization technique of loop tiling.

Merge png images into single image in WPF

I'm looking for a way to Merge some PNG tile images into a big image. So I search and found …

c# wpf png imaging tiling
How do I convert a 2X2 matrix to 4X4 matrix in MATLAB?

I need some help in converting a 2X2 matrix to a 4X4 matrix in the following manner: A = [2 6; 8 4] should become: …

matlab matrix repeat tiling
OpenLayers, Layers: Tiled vs. single tile

Each time we add a new layer to our OpenLayers based website (data provided primarily by a GeoServer server), we …

openlayers user-experience tiling
opengl, Black lines in-between tiles

When its translated in an integral value (1,2,3, etc....), there are no black lines in-between the tiles, it looks fine. But …

c++ opengl tiling
Tiling different size rectangles

I am looking for some pointers to algorithms that should allow to tile with no overlap different size rectangles. Given …

algorithm optimization tiling
Generalizing the algorithm for domino tiling?

In this earlier question the OP asked the following problem: Given a rectangular grid where some squares are empty and …

algorithm puzzle tiling