After downloading 3D models from and importing them into a Three.js scene, they are most of the times not centered and their size is very big.
Is there a way to automatically center and scale gltf models using a script or a software (working on Linux) or otherwise to do it on-the-fly in Three.js and having the camera to move around the object using OrbitControls.
Yep. This code takes a node and finds its size and centerpoint, then rescales it so the max extent is 1 and its centered at 0,0,0, and above the ground on the y axis.
var mroot = yourScene;
var bbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mroot);
var cent = bbox.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3());
var size = bbox.getSize(new THREE.Vector3());
//Rescale the object to normalized space
var maxAxis = Math.max(size.x, size.y, size.z);
mroot.scale.multiplyScalar(1.0 / maxAxis);
//Reposition to 0,halfY,0
mroot.position.y-= (size.y * 0.5);