Top "Thread-local" questions

Thread-local is a class from the Java API and the documentation defines it: "This class provides thread-local variables.

Is SLF4J thread-safe?

I might have a Dog class that has a single instance shared across multiple threads. I plan on using SLF4…

java logging thread-safety slf4j thread-local
C++11: Nontrivial Thread Local Static Variable?

I have a class X: class X { ... } I want to do this: void f() { thread_local static X x = ...; ... } (actually …

c++ multithreading c++11 thread-local thread-local-storage
How to correctly use Realm

I was trying to avoid creating and managing Realm objects, in my android application, for every fragment. I am thinking …

android thread-local realm
How to initialize thread local variable in c++?

Possible Duplicate: C++11 thread_local in gcc - alternatives Is there any way to fully emulate thread_local using GCC's __…

c++ multithreading gcc thread-local thread-local-storage
c++11 thread_local keyword support in visual studio 11

So there's a list of c++11 features supported by visual studio. thread_local support is marked as partial. I was …

c++ visual-c++ c++11 thread-local visual-studio-2012
ThreadLocal to store ServletRequest and Response in servlet: what for?

Once I have came across a pattern, where ServletRequest and response objects are put to servlet's local ThreadLocal variables. The …

java jakarta-ee servlets thread-local
ThreadLocal Resource Leak and WeakReference

My limited understanding of ThreadLocal is that it has resource leak issues. I gather this problem can be remedied through …

java thread-local weak-references
When we should use scala.util.DynamicVariable?

When I read the source of scalatra, I found there are some code like: protected val _response = new DynamicVariable[HttpServletResponse](…

scala thread-local
Threads in Spring

I have a Web application using spring and hibernate and struts (it runs on Tomcat) The call sequence is something …

java multithreading spring tomcat thread-local
ThreadLocal Singleton

I'm running a RESTful java backend on GlassFish. Attached to that is an HTML5 / JS frontend which I can put …

java singleton thread-local