Keyword that refers to the current class instance or object in many object-oriented programming languages.
I have a function along the lines of the following: doSomething: function () { var parent = null; if (this === null) { parent = 'some …
javascript null thisI have function like this: class Service { function delete_user($username) { ... $sessions = $this->config->sessions; $this->config-&…
php closures this anonymous-functionI would like to make a static class with a fluent interface but I am getting the error: 'this' is …
c# .net this static-classesIn C++, the language I'm most comfortable with, usually one declares an object like this: class foo { public: int bar; …
javascript scope thisI'm trying to merge the props from values into this. The following throws an error. How can I do this? …
javascript ecmascript-6 this assignThe problem in example 1 is 'this' referring to the global name instead of the myName object. I understand the use …
javascript this bindI want to write es6 class: class SomeClass { static prop = 123 method() { } } How to get access to static prop from method() …
typescript this static-methods static-members typescript1.6Sorry for asking it again, there are already some questions about this keyword. But all of them tell the purpose …
c# this this-keywordI am hoping to get an input value inside a keyup function that can runs from multiple inputs. Every time …
javascript angularjs this keyup