ajaxcontroltoolkit tabcontainer style themes css

user630536 picture user630536 · Oct 11, 2011 · Viewed 26.5k times · Source

This link: http://mattberseth.com/blog/2008/04/ajaxcontroltoolkit_tabcontaine.html has a great collection of themes for asp.net tabcontrol. Can someone help me find out where i can download css for all the themes shown in that page? I tried all the links in the page but none of that seem to have the downloadable css info.

Thanks in advance!


Gaff picture Gaff · Dec 2, 2011

I can help you access some of his stylesheets. Go to this blog entry of his: (blog entry) . Now, use the Way Back Machine @ archive.org and paste the CSS link into the way back machine text box. Select the date that was recorded by the WBM and you will be able to access it.


You can now get an idea of what he is doing with his themes. I hope this helps.