Top "Themes" questions

Themes and theming can be used to give another look and feel to existing UI and has a close relation to templating.

Android: how to change the color of the datepicker divider?

I've got a datepicker in my Android app, but now I want to change the color of the blue dividers …

java android android-layout datepicker themes
How to change visual studio themes?

I have downloaded a theme from here and want to use it with visual studio. I tried downloading the Visual …

visual-studio-2010 colors themes
What is so special about Generic.xaml?

I've been trying to figure out how to organize my ResourceDictionary files for reuse and sharing with other members of …

wpf xaml themes
In phpstorm, how do I switch back to default color theme look and feel?

I have set my phpstorm color scheme to dark theme - "Darcula" theme. There was a pop up asking if …

colors themes
Finding all available styles defined by android platform themes

In several android styling tutorials parent style elements are used that i can not find in the* …

android themes styles
how to implement dark mode in flutter

I want to create a flutter app that has 2 light and dark mode themes that change by a switch in-app …

flutter dart themes android-dark-theme
Why there are no themes for swagger-ui?

I like swagger for documenting Restful APIs very much, especially "Try it out!" button, but swagger-ui interface doesn't look very …

themes swagger swagger-ui
SpringSource Tool Suite Change Themes

When I became aware of Sublime, I noticed the benefits of dark themes to your workspace. But since Sublime doesn't …

eclipse grails themes sts-springsourcetoolsuite
How can I change Sourcetree theme?

I use all my development tools in the dark theme except Sourcetree. It has no option in its configuration to …

themes atlassian-sourcetree
Metro theme for website

Anyone know of an easy way to style a website with a windows phone 7 like metro theme ? Either a CSS …

jquery css themes