Top "Textview" questions

Text View is an UI element that allows users to view and/or modify the displayed text.

"requestLayout() improperly called by..." error on Android 4.3

I have a simple Custom TextView that sets custom font in its constructor like the code below public class MyTextView …

android android-layout textview android-custom-view
How do I show two text views next to each other

I have a Main Activity That has a Clickable Link that launches a Activity. Right now what is showing is "…

java android eclipse textview android-sdk-2.3
Android SpannableString set background behind part of text

I would like to create something similar as seen on this image: I managed to create evertyhing with SpannableStringBuilder, except …

android textview spannablestring spannable
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text?

I am setting text in TextView from string resource. Normally, Hebrew works in Right-To-Left format. When I set a text, …

android textview hebrew settext
Android Horizontal LinearLayout - Wrap Elements

I have a horizontal linear layout that contains textviews generated dynamically, the problem I'm experiencing is that the textviews are …

java android android-linearlayout textview word-wrap
Custom Fonts and Custom Textview on Android

From an application I need to develop, I've received a specific font that has many files like FontName-Regular, FontName-Bold, FontName-it. …

android custom-controls textview typeface
Android Api 23 Change Navigation View headerLayout textview

I am testing the Navigation Drawer sample project in android and i have a problem setting the text in navigation …

android nullpointerexception header textview navigation-drawer
Android "tools" namespace in layout xml documentation

Per the question here, What's "tools:context" in Android layout files? The 'tools' namespace reference (xmlns:tools="…

android-layout namespaces textview preview
Android ConstraintLayout TextView go off the screen

As you see in the picture the text is off the wall. This is such a bizarre behavior and I …

android textview android-constraintlayout
Show in textview html with inline styles

I need to show html with inline styles in my app. There are a lot of text that must be …

android html css textview inline-styles