Top "Textinput" questions

For questions related to a single-line, text input.

Filter search for <ul>

I have a list of users as well: <ul> <li class="thumb selectable arrow light" style="margin-bottom:…

javascript jquery search html-lists textinput
JSF 2.0 validateRegex with own validator message

i am having a code similar to this: <h:inputText id="email" value="#{managePasswordBean.forgotPasswordEmail}" validatorMessage="#{validate['…

regex jsf-2 message validation textinput
How to clear the content of the html input text field using Jquery

I am having a html text field which can hide. When hiding I want clear the text field. I used …

jquery html textinput
Is there a way to disable the zoom feature on input fields in webview?

When a user clicks in an input field or textarea, the application zooms in. Is there a simple way to …

android webview textinput
CSS: How make the cursor to become a pointer on the input file?

How can I make the cursor to become a pointer on an input file or an input text when you …

jquery css file textinput onfocus
How to create TextArea as input in a Shiny webapp in R?

I am trying to create simple webapp where I want to take in multiline input from user using HTML textarea …

r textarea textinput shiny
Is it possible to style a text input to fill the width of it's parent?

I have had this issue for years and I've seen similar questions before, but none of them have addressed the …

css width textinput
Overwriting the class on a `Html.EditorFor`

by the default with <%: Html.EditorFor(m => m.ConfirmationHeadline) %> the output is: <input type="text" value="" … textinput class-attributes
how to design react native OTP enter screen?

I am new in react native design .Let me know how to achieve the screen shown below is it necessary …

react-native react-router textinput
Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'value' of type 'object' supplied to 'TextInput' React Native

I have the following TextInput Component: <TextInput value={this.state.inputText} maxLength={1} onSubmitEditing={this.textHandler} onChangeText={(text) => this.…

javascript react-native textinput