Top "Textarea" questions

A textarea is an HTML element (tag) used to create a multi-line plain-text editing field.

Limit number of lines in textarea and Display line count using jQuery

Using jQuery I would like to: Limit the number of lines a user can enter in a textarea to a …

javascript jquery html validation textarea
New Line in Textarea to be converted to <br/>

There's a lot of threads here about converting br/> or preserving newlines across different languages, but not many regarding …

jquery textarea newline replacewith
CSS Styling text areas like notebook-look

It is possible to style a text area so each row have a dotted underline (like a notebook or a …

html css textarea
Copying text of textarea in clipboard when button is clicked

I'm looking to create a jQuery (or javascript) button that selects everything in a textarea and then copies the text …

javascript jquery copy textarea
setContent of an textarea with tinyMCE

I have some textareas and all of them are with tinyMCE. I would like to set the content of the …

javascript tinymce textarea
CSS Textarea that expands as you type text

I have a Textarea where users can input text. By default it has a height of 17px. However if users …

javascript jquery html css textarea
How can I set the value of a CodeMirror editor using Javascript?

I try to set id4 in the following code: <div id="id1"> <div id="id2"> <…

javascript textarea codemirror
Highlight text inside of a textarea

Is it possible to highlight text inside of a textarea using javascript? Either changing the background of just a portion …

javascript textarea
line breaks in textarea used in a MVC C# website app

I'm using MVC C# in Visual Studio Web Dev. I have a couple of textareas which are populated …

c# textarea line-breaks
The .val() of a textarea doesn't take new lines into account

The .val() property of an item in jQuery for a <textarea> doesn't seem to work with new lines. …

jquery html textarea newline enter